San Francisco Electromagnetic Therapy For Pain
Migraine headache sufferers often turn to San Francisco electromagnetic therapy for pain. They do so because they know it’s safe, it’s natural, and, most importantly, it works. PEMF Supply has a wide range of devices used for electromagnetic therapy for pain in San Francisco CA, and we’re extremely proud to do so. Here’s some information on why this revolutionary therapy could work for you.
Exciting Research
Many studies have been performed to assess the effectiveness of San Francisco electromagnetic therapy for pain. Time after time after time, they showed that electromagnetic therapy for pain in San Francisco CA can deliver a significant amount of relief.
In one study, participants suffering from severe migraines were separated into two categories. One received electromagnetic therapy, while the other received placebo treatment. Those in the first category underwent therapy for an hour a day for five days a week. Their therapy lasted for two weeks.
The results were encouraging to advocates of electromagnetic therapy for pain in San Francisco CA, to say the least. Researchers found that nearly 70 percent of those who used the therapy reported either an excellent or good decrease in their migraine pain. Ten of the subjects underwent electromagnetic therapy for two additional weeks. An amazing 88 percent said they experienced either a good or excellent reduction in headache activity.
This is not to say electromagnetic therapy will cure migraine headaches. It’s designed to be used in conjunction with any conventional treatments you may be using. But it would definitely be worth your while to have a talk with your medical provider to see if it will be a good idea for you to pursue.
Let Us Tell You More
If you have any questions regarding San Francisco electromagnetic therapy for pain, please get in touch with PEMF Supply as soon as you can. We will be more than happy to answer them. You can either use our convenient online contact form, or you can give us a call at 844-855-7363. We very much look forward to hearing from you.